"Oya-Yansa is the Queen of the Winds of change. She is feared by many people because She brings about sudden structural change in people and things. Oya does not just rearrange the furniture in the house -- She knocks the building to the ground and blows away the floor tiles."
She is the Orisha of rebirth and new life. Goddesses such as She are referred to as Dark goddesses because They not only pull you into the darkness guide you through the dark and turmoil, but they point you to the light of hope.
Oya is the sentinel between the realm life and death. She gives assistance and guidance to those when they make their final transition into the veils. She can either hold back the spirit of death or call it forth. Hence, She is the last breath taken. Oya also governs over the cemetery and the realm of the dead, and it is said that She entered into the lower world of Ira upon hearing that Shango (Her Husband) died.
She is known for using charms and magick and is known as one of the Primeval Mothers of the "Elders of the Night (Witches)." Oya is also a Water goddess, for She is the goddess of the Niger River in Africa.
Oya is the elder sister to the goddesses Yemaya and Oshun. She is considered the Crone aspect of this Triple goddess trilogy. As a Crone Goddess She is a teacher of truth and a bringer of justice. Do meditate and take in Oya's power during the wind, rain, snow and thunder storms, for She speak to those who listen. She cleanses that which is sullied with Her mighty broom . Oya has nine children and Her favorite number is 9."
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As the Orisha of change, She brings down the dead wood to make room for the new, and She uses Her machete or sword to clear a path for new growth. She is believed to watch over the newly dead and assist them as they make the transition from life. She is equated with the Vodou Lwa Maman Brijit, Who, like Oya, guards graveyards.
Oya is the Orisha of the Niger River, and Her violent rainstorms are said to be its source. Like Oshun, She is worshipped not only in Africa but in Brazil, where the Amazon is said to be Her river, and where She is equated with the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of La Candelaria. Oya, who is an Orisha of a very fiery demeanor, also seems to have a far-flung connection with the Celtic Bride or Bridgit, both in Her Vodou counterpart Maman Brijit, and in Her associated Catholic saint, Our Lady of La Candelaria, whose feast day, February 2nd, is shared with Bride."
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